Nov 19, 2010

Another day, another song ..

The sight of sunshine,
Shining through the morning dew ..
The sight so divine,
As the day grew ..

Greeted her with a song,
I wish it was with a kiss ..
It won't be too long,
I hope, for I miss the bliss ..

Looking towards east,
Hoping you'd arrive ..
The song I start to sing,
Starts to give me peace ..
I know I'm no Mozart,
But who do I have to please ?
The sun transits to the west,
I think, another day to survive ..

Singing until the sun set,
Singing I love you ..
But that was just an octet,
Just another song for you ..

My lips part to yawn,
And moonlight kissing my tongue ..
I sigh, another day gone,
Another song sung ..


Floyd said...

Another day. Another song.

Another post?

Arun Kaushal said...

But alas ! Time runs fast, and life crawls, its a rat race at a snail's pace, there's just no time to sing !